9118 Traxxas Mirrors, side, chrome (left & right)/ o-rings (4)/ body

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Mirrors, side, chrome (left & right)/ o-rings (4)/ body clips (4) (fits #9111 body)
Chrome side mirrors for the 1972 TRX-4® Chevrolet® Blazer body with O-rings (4) and body clips (4)
Keep the Fun Going Sale

Replacement part for these models:

  • TRX-4® 1972 Chevrolet® Blazer® High Trail Edition™

Accessory part for these models:

  • TRX-4® 1979 Chevrolet® Blazer®
  • TRX-4® 1979 Ford® Bronco®
  • TRX-4® Equipped with Traxx®
  • TRX-4® Sport High Trail Edition™
  • TRX-4® Sport
  • TRX-4® Unassembled Kit