30120404 QUICRUN Fusion 8IGHT (2in1 FOC system)

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  • The integrated design of the ESC and motor simplifies car layout and wiring, making it more convenient.
  • FOC (Field Oriented Control) driving mode enhances the power system for rock crawlers, providing strong low-speed torque. This setup offers improved control and feel over standard brushless and even brushed setups.
  • High efficiency results in less heat, extending runtime, while the motor operates more quietly and smoothly.
  • IP67 protection grade ensures reliable performance in all conditions.
  • Intelligent torque output and speed closed-loop control allow for precise handling.
  • Active drag brake force adjustment offers superior holding power on inclines.
  • Equipped with a strong built-in switch mode BEC, delivering a continuous/peak current of up to 6A/13A with adjustable voltages (6V/7.4V/8.4V) to power high-torque and high-voltage servos.
  • Real-time drag brake force adjustment is possible via the transmitter’s AUX channel.
  • Multiple protection functions: low battery voltage, overheat, throttle loss, and lock-up protections.
  • Compatible with LED and LCD Program Box Pro/G2 for easy ESC parameter adjustments.