TRXM156C01 Aluminum bleeder shock caps TRX4-M

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Hot Racing optional aluminum shock cap for the TRX4-M Shock bleeder caps
- CNC machined aluminum construction, anodized black
- Secondarily processed machined beveled edges
- Bleeder screws for easy shock maintenance
- Fits stock shocks without modification


- Two (2) aluminum bleeder shock caps
- Two Steel ball with o-ring .
- Two (2) Delrin plastic gasket (used to setup shocks as emulsion shocks)


- Kit completes two shocks cap two kits required to equip entire vehicle


Emulsion: Do not install the bladder diaphragm Tra9762 but Use Delrin plastic gasket, small cap screw and washer
- Replaces stock TRA shock components from TRA
Vented-Damper Types Tra9762Use Stock bladder diaphragm Tra9762. (do not use the Delrin plastic gasket) remove the bleeder cap screw.