MIP9213 MIP 1.3mm Hex Driver Wrench Gen 2

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Package Includes:

  • 1 x 1.3 mm Hand Wrench w/ label and wrap

Tool Makeup:

  • Tool hex cut with diamond wheel for ultimate precision 
  • Tool shank CNC ground from US Grade tool steel drill blanks 
  • Tight tolerances held within 20 Microns which is .02 mm and moreover .0008 in. ! To put that into perspective that's like taking a human hair and dividing it by 4 ! 
  • Super Comfy to the hand Polycarbonate Handles that are resilient to hot and cold weather so wont harm your hands in poor weather conditions.
  • Every tool assembled by hand 
  • Manufactured and packaged 100% in the USA
  • Highly regarded as the #1 Tool in the RC industry 
  • 20 plus years of production 
  • Used by World Champions and hobbyists alike around the World
  • Trusted wrench to get out stripped screws other sub par tools create 
World Class Products, Precision Tools, Race Proven Performance, Thats MIP!