SPN1000ME 42x63mm Pro Brass Prop Al Bullet Nut Drive Dog Tra M41/Spartan

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Hot Racing machine polish brass propeller, with Aluminum conical M4 propeller nut, and drive dog for the TRA DCB M41 and Spartan boats


- CNC machined billet Brass balanced prop
- CNC machined Aluminum conical prop nut and drive dog
- Replaces factory plastic propeller
- Replaces factory hex nut with hydro dynamically efficient conical nut for reduced drag


- One (1) CNC brass prop
- One (1) Aluminum bullet prop nut
- One (1) Aluminum drive dog
- One (1) stainless steel setscrew


- Installing on drive cable
- Recommended to use a removable-type locking adhesive on screws threading into/onto metal


- Prop diameter: 42mm (1.65 inches)
- Prop pitch: 63mm (2.48 inches)
- Weight: 9g (0.32 oz)
- Prop nut length: 18.3mm (0.72 inch)
- Prop nut diameter: 8mm (0.31 inch)


- Upgrades TRA factory plastic prop (#5733), hex prop nut (#1747), brass drive dog (#5728)
- For replacement drive cable or prop shaft order TRA #5729
- Hot Racing prop sets for the TRA M41 DCB and Spartan include: 42x60mm Brass Prop Set SS Bullet Nut Drive Dog (#SPN1000E), 42x63mm Aluminum Prop SS Bullet Nut Drive Dog (#SPN1000H), 42x63mm Pro Brass Prop Al Bullet Nut Drive Dog (#SPN1000ME)