TE1006SL Blue Aluminum 12mm Wheel Hex 2WD (4)

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            These are the optional Hot-Racing 12mm Wheel Hexes                 
         for the 1/10 scale 2WD Traxxas Slash, Rustler and Stampede.           
                   **Will NOT fit the 4WD Traxxas Slash**                      
FEATURES: Aluminum construction, blue in color                                 
          Clamp style                                                          
          Thirty day limited warranty beginning at date of purchase-valid      
            in the United States only                                          
INCLUDES: Two Rear 6mm wide Aluminum 12mm Hex Drive Washers                    
          Two Front 8mm wide Aluminum 12mm Hex Drive Washers                   
          Four 2x5mm Clamp Screws                                              
          One 1.5mm Hex Key                                                    
          Four 2x10mm Driver Pins                                              
                                                                   jxs 06/18/15
BOX DIMENSIONS:    1.88" W. X    .38" H. X   3.00" L.
BOX WEIGHT:     .03 LBS.