81492 Front A-arms: Arrma 3S 4x4-Big Rock,Senton,Granite, Vorteks 3s RPM

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RPM A-arms for the 4×4 3S BLX versions of the Granite, Senton & Big Rock are the answer to the questions you didn’t know you had. Are you looking for more adjustability? Check! How about better durability? Got that covered too. How about lightweight? Yup, no problem!

Adjustability: We’ve added a second shock mount to both our front and rear A-arms to the outside of the stock shock mount, adding adjustability and improving trackability. Our outer shock mount lowers the ride height, increasing stability on all surface types. A lower ride height also means faster corner speeds.

Durability: Molded from our trademark blend of indestructible, engineering grade nylons, you can’t get much tougher! We’ve also redesigned the shape of the A-arms while retaining stock suspension geometry to help improve survivability for those “oops” moments.

Lightweight: With our stronger materials and improved designs, we’re able to cut out unnecessary weight while still offering suspension components that are unparalleled in performance and durability.

Tech Notes: RPM A-arms fit the following ARRMA vehicles; Big Rock 4×4 (#AR102711), Senton 4×4 (#AR102668, #AR102667 & #AR102678) & Granite 4×4 (#AR102665, #AR102666 & #AR102676). RPM Front A-arms replace ARRMA #AR330443.

Version Compatibility Notes: Big Rock owners, please use caution and double check the stock ARRMA part number of the a-arm you are replacing. Some Big Rock versions use the Granite 4×4 a-arms shown here while others use typhon 3s a-arm