UGears Monowheel - 300 pieces

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Did you missed our line of peculiar and atypical mechanical models? Well wait no longer, because here comes the Monowheel, rolling its way into your UGears mechanical models collection!

After going through many archival photos, we have found this fun and astutely made transport device. The picture was of a person on a single wheel type of a vehicle who was looking very pleased with himself as he observed the curious device he was in. We couldn’t help but add this brilliant design to our collection!

UGears has remade this model in a skeletal version, without the armor-like outer shell, so there is easy access to the rubber bands should they be replaced. Not to mention you can see the wonderful way the mechanisms work as it rolls around! You can use Monowheel in two different ways, as it operates in two modes. One ensures the Monowheel’s smooth ride provided by a jolt of momentum, while the other one engages a halting mechanism, in case you don’t know what your monowheel to roll too far away.


Dimensions: 14.9 × 6.7 × 1.3 in

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