0678 Venom 12 Port 1S Charge Adapter

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The Venom 12 port, 1-cell battery charge adapter allows you to quickly and easily charge up to six micro batteries at a time off your existing LiPo charger. This handy charge adapter is a must have for anyone who wishes to charge multiple batteries with either Micro JST (Blade mCP X) or JST-PH/Pico connectors. The Venom 12pack feature 12 charging ports, self-settable fuses with LED indicator and comes with banana style input leads to make connection to your existing LiPo charger a snap.

The Venom 12 port, 1-cell battery charge adapter is perfect for charging batteries from the Parkzone Ultra Micro series, such as, Spitfire, Pole Cat, Corsair, Mosquito, Trojan, Night Vapor, SU-26, P-51, MCX2, mSR, mCP X, and many others.