Upper & Lower A-arm Pair, Black: Traxxas X-Maxx 82352

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Immediately after Traxxas released the X-Maxx, RPM customers startednotifying us that they needed stronger A-arms that could handle theweight and the punishment these massive trucks can dish out. We reviewednumerous photos of damage to stock A-arms to see where the weak pointswere, then reviewed a set of new A-arms to see what we could do toimprove both strength and durability.

The result... Our new X-Maxx A-arms are designed to be the strongest,lightest arms available! Starting with the upper A-arm, we used ourproven A-arm designs from past successful builds to create an uppersupport structure sure to handle anything you can throw at it! Ourlower A-arm has better ground clearance than stock A-arms and hasa cross section based off of our proven 1:5 scale HPI Baja A-armsso you know they're tough! We've also created a double support beamon the lower arms to spread impact energy over a larger area, meaninghard hits won't force you into the "walk of shame". They're alsouniversal fit, which means they'll fit on any corner of your truck!No more worrying which arm fits where.

RPM X-Maxx A-arms are molded in our trademark blend of incrediblytough, engineering grade nylons and made in the USA. RPM X-Maxx armsare backed by our industry-leading limited lifetime warranty againstbreakage for worry-free performance you can count on!

Tech Notes: Each package comes with one upper and one lower A-arm.Four packages will be needed to complete one full vehicle.